I come from a broken home.
I know that pain.
I’ve lived it.
I’ve suffered through family dysfunction, trauma, and poverty.
Maybe you have too.

But I believe you have the power to break those cycles. In First Generation Father, I’ll show you how to find balance within yourself, heal, and build a healthy and happy home for your family.

This book is brutally honest, entertaining, and insightful—a must-read for anyone raised in a challenging environment who wants to avoid passing down generational scars. Whether you’re searching for ways to improve yourself, strengthen your marriage, or practice genuine love, the philosophy shared in these pages will change life for you—and your family—forever.


About the Author

Anthony Blankenship was born to a teenaged, unwed mother and a father who would later serve time in prison. His homelife exposed him to violence, drugs, and poverty at a young age. At fifteen, struggling with unhealed mental and emotional wounds, Anthony got into serious trouble that could have cost him his life.

He used this low point to slingshot himself forward, focusing on growth, accountability, and evolution. Anthony searched for ways to educate himself and break free from the cyclical pull of his early environment. Today, the former army officer has found his golden zone. He’s a happily married father of two, who has developed a philosophy that allowed him to heal and lead his family into health, happiness, and prosperity. Now, he’s ready to share this philosophy with the world.


A first generation father is any man trying to break the cycle of family dysfunction he came from, and provide better for his own family. While this is a noble idea, one that many aspire to, it’s easier said than done. The truth is, most people fail at it, and end up passing down the same generation scars and family traumas they experienced themselves. A sad and painful cycle.

But this cycle can be broken. You can liberate your family from the generational curses of mental and emotional trauma. You can build a genuinely healthy relationship that’s fulfilling to both you and your partner. You can create wealth and abundance for your family in a way that allows you to enjoy life, and evolve past surviving, into thriving. Regardless of your background, or current situation, you can build a healthy and happy home. This book is your blueprint.

By learning how to master your three primal energies: your warrior, intellectual, and spiritual energies, you’ll find yourself able to fully heal your past traumas, unlearn negative and limiting ways of thinking and seeing, and ascend into the golden zone of health and happiness. And the best part is, you’ll bring your whole family with you.